One World One Heart is a fun event where bloggers around the world post giveaways and share a little bit about themselves! If you still want to join in, you can until Feb 12. Find out how here.
Sadly I hear this is the final One World, One Heart! I've had so much fun the last two years I've participate! I have been pondering over an idea for a similar type of adventure and if you might like to ponder with me me please visit my post here.
Now, about me and Texifornia...
Texifornia is a little spot I created for Californians living in Texas (like me)
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Since many of you are traveling in from other places, let me share a little bit about California and Texas with you.
Texas is the biggest state in the US other than Alaska. And people here are proud of their no other state that I know of will you find everything from swimming pools to waffles made in the state shape.
1. A Texan Birdfeeder, 2. Texas-Shaped Grill,
3. Texas Waffle 4. Texas Brick
Texas is hot in summer (days and days over 100 degrees) and bleak in winter (dead grass not often covered by snow, which is rare here).

Picture by Jollyville
But what it lacks in winter snow it makes up for in Spring wildflowers...

Picture by Malloy

Picture by Ruthie On Art

Picture by Jollyville
But what it lacks in winter snow it makes up for in Spring wildflowers...

Picture by Malloy

Picture by Ruthie On Art
Californians, on the other hand, don't tend to brag as much about their least until they leave it and realize what they missed! California has just about as much beauty as nature can offer: mountains, deserts, forests, and of course, beaches.
Picture by Peggy Farnsworth, My Mom
Picture by Me!
And California has wildflowers too!
And California has wildflowers too!
So, from wherever around the world today, Hello and welcome to Texifornia!
And, now...on to the giveaway. It's small, but fun! Just like last year, I'm giving away:

I know this isn't a big prize, but the main idea of the of the One World One Heart is to explore and meet some fun people around the world...the giveaways are just a good excuse to do that.
Leave a comment below. Pretty simple. If you don't know what to say, just tell me where you're from. :-) Make sure to include an e-mail or a link to your blog so I can contact you.
Anyone can participate, worldwide. Giveaway ends February 17th at a9ish (pm, CST). Prize might possibly be forfeited if you wait more than a month to claim it, and definately will if you don't leave a way to contact me.