Saturday, August 17, 2013

Texas Giveaways

Found some fun Texas giveaways!

Mini Photography Session (8/18) - Grapevine, TX

4 Tickets to Sea Life Acquarium (8/30) - Grapevine, TX

Utopiafest Passes and More (?) - Utopia, TX

Friday, August 09, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or California, or Chicago, or Moscow, or WHEREVER.)

And yes, it's not Wednesday today.  I've done it again, I've slipped into a summer coma and forgotten to post the linky.  *Oops!*  To all the loyal posters who make this linky come alive every month, sorry about that (and to newcomers too!).

As always, I want to share a few of the highlights from last month.  There were so many good posts in July, many of them from my home state of California.  It was hard to choose...but here were go:

  • On My World I saw a side of India I had never expected on the post about the Red Bull Soapbox Race.   

Really there were so many good ones!   You might want to check out the rest if you haven't already.

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Montana, Puerto Rico, Paris, or Indonesia").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

Link up your posts below:  

1. Things to Do in Crete  

(Linkup closed)

Help Promote This Link-Up!
Add This Button to Your Sidebar or Post! 


I can't take credit for this amazing idea. This is Wherever Wednesday was the creation of Budget Blond who let me take over the reigns here on Texifornia in 2012.