Monday, June 12, 2006

Surfing in Texas?

Every once and a while I do odd little google searches---just to see if something exists. Today I typed in "Texas Surfing" and was surprized to learn that, yes, there is such a thing---though large enough waves are a bit of a challenge to find I gather.'s section on Texas surfing notes that "the waves are usually as scattered and unsightly as Ross Perot, and nearly as diminutive, proving that not everything in Texas is bigger -- or better." But Texas surf does exist--and there's even four Surfrider Foundation Chapters here in Texas.

Thats not all. I found one well done website called Third Coast for Texas surfers. There's a Texas surfboard shop (Superior Surfobards) with good information and links (just finding a surfboard shop in Texas blows my mind). And Surf Texas 365 offers "photographic proof of surf in Texas."

Oh...I should mention, at this point, that I don't surf (yes Texans, not all Californians do.) But to all the Californians out in Texas who do miss riding the waves--hope you find this information useful.

(Also...I found some cool Texas and California Surf Stuff to add to the Texifornia Souvenir Shop. Check it out!)


  1. There is also a great website called WannaSurf ( that lists all the places in Texas you can surf. Also, check out the movie "Step Into Liquid" for "oil tanker surfing" where a group of Texans surf the waves created by the oil tankers in the Houston shipping channel.

    1. Cool! Thanks so much for sharing!
