Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weather Wimps

Ok, I can't exactly call Texans weather wimps.  They go through days and days of 100+ degree heat in the summer, and sure, they complain about it...but they still get up early to mow their lawns when it's ONLY 90 degrees.  So, when the weather gets down to the 40's here, I can't blame them (and myself) for hiding out inside.  A).  We got acclimated to 100+ degree whether over the summer, so it takes our bodies longer to adjust to this.  B).  We know it's gonna be in the 70's or 80's any day now, so why not just wait for that?   C).  Cold weather really is colder here...I'm not kidding.  I grew up in the mountains and got snow all the time and temps down in the teens or lower were not uncommon.  But when I moved up here and had to walk across campus in 40 degree whether, cold, and rain, it FELT as cold as the coldest day we experienced "up the hill" in California.  Wind chill + humidity = COLD!

However, California flat landers...yeah, they are legitimately weather wimps.  I remember one day traveling down the hill to meet with some friends of friends there.  We were basking in the relative "warmth" while they were complaining about how freezing it was.  Guess things haven't changed.  This clip from Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Texas Giveaways

A few giveaways  with Texas flair!

Pollyanna Theater Tickets (12/10) - Austin, TX

Various Items including Ad Space on the Texas Blog (12/10)

Massage Envy Giveaway (12/23) - DFW

Massage Envy Giveaway (12/29) - DFW

Full Disclosure:  some of these giveaways I get extra entries for sharing

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Sale on Texifornia Souvenirs! Up to 50% off!

Use coupon HOLIDAYSMADE for 50% Off ornaments, wrapping paper, cards, invitations, shirts, scarfs, playing cards, mugs, & plates at Texifornia Zazzle! Get 25% off bound mini journals and 20% off everything else*!

You can also use this coupon at my Scribbleprints shop and my new Photos by Gale shop.  See some scribbleprint examples below....

 The coupon code  must be entered at checkout to receive this offer.  For Zazzle Custom Stamps, only 20% of  the difference between the price of the Zazzle Custom Stamps (excluding shipping and taxes) and the face value of the postage is deducted. Offer is valid through December 6, 2013 at 11:59 PM PT.  This offer does not apply to past purchases and may not be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. 

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Wow, I can't believe it's already time for This is Wherever Wednesday!   My this last month has flown.  But here it is again!  At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Nebraska"  (or Colorado, Brazil, or Paris, Amsterdam or WHEREVER.)

As always, I want to share a few of the highlights from last month.   

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "New Hampshire, Panama, or the Pacific Northwest").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  And make sure to visit some of the other links too!  It's always a fascinating journey.  Thanks for participating!

(Linkup closed)