Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weather Wimps

Ok, I can't exactly call Texans weather wimps.  They go through days and days of 100+ degree heat in the summer, and sure, they complain about it...but they still get up early to mow their lawns when it's ONLY 90 degrees.  So, when the weather gets down to the 40's here, I can't blame them (and myself) for hiding out inside.  A).  We got acclimated to 100+ degree whether over the summer, so it takes our bodies longer to adjust to this.  B).  We know it's gonna be in the 70's or 80's any day now, so why not just wait for that?   C).  Cold weather really is colder here...I'm not kidding.  I grew up in the mountains and got snow all the time and temps down in the teens or lower were not uncommon.  But when I moved up here and had to walk across campus in 40 degree whether, cold, and rain, it FELT as cold as the coldest day we experienced "up the hill" in California.  Wind chill + humidity = COLD!

However, California flat landers...yeah, they are legitimately weather wimps.  I remember one day traveling down the hill to meet with some friends of friends there.  We were basking in the relative "warmth" while they were complaining about how freezing it was.  Guess things haven't changed.  This clip from Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Texas Giveaways

A few giveaways  with Texas flair!

Pollyanna Theater Tickets (12/10) - Austin, TX

Various Items including Ad Space on the Texas Blog (12/10)

Massage Envy Giveaway (12/23) - DFW

Massage Envy Giveaway (12/29) - DFW

Full Disclosure:  some of these giveaways I get extra entries for sharing

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Sale on Texifornia Souvenirs! Up to 50% off!

Use coupon HOLIDAYSMADE for 50% Off ornaments, wrapping paper, cards, invitations, shirts, scarfs, playing cards, mugs, & plates at Texifornia Zazzle! Get 25% off bound mini journals and 20% off everything else*!

You can also use this coupon at my Scribbleprints shop and my new Photos by Gale shop.  See some scribbleprint examples below....

 The coupon code  must be entered at checkout to receive this offer.  For Zazzle Custom Stamps, only 20% of  the difference between the price of the Zazzle Custom Stamps (excluding shipping and taxes) and the face value of the postage is deducted. Offer is valid through December 6, 2013 at 11:59 PM PT.  This offer does not apply to past purchases and may not be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. 

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Wow, I can't believe it's already time for This is Wherever Wednesday!   My this last month has flown.  But here it is again!  At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Nebraska"  (or Colorado, Brazil, or Paris, Amsterdam or WHEREVER.)

As always, I want to share a few of the highlights from last month.   

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "New Hampshire, Panama, or the Pacific Northwest").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  And make sure to visit some of the other links too!  It's always a fascinating journey.  Thanks for participating!

(Linkup closed)

Friday, November 08, 2013

When Big Companies Steal From Hand-Crafters

I just read about an etsy artist who's designs (pictured below) were stolen from Urban Outfitters.  Tru-Che came up with a line of pendants she called "World/United States of Love."  You can see some items from that line in her shop below.  Urban Outfitters decided these were nifty, and started selling ones like it...without any permission or payment to her.

Designs by Tru-Che on Etsy
I heart California. - truche
i heart the United States. - truche
i heart Texas. - truche

Now, I realize that a heart on a state may not be copyrightable design.  It's basic enough that many people could think of it, and state outlines are of course public domain.  Tons of other shops on Etsy have similar designs.  BUT, they not only stole the idea they actually stole the item name and some of her copy (the text that she wrote about her products).  THAT makes it clear that they  took it from her.  And this isn't even the only Etsy artist they have stolen from.  They are a large company which has enough revenue to pay artists for their ideas...if they wanted to use not just her designs but her copy/line name too, they should have compensated her.  

This is just one of a number of instances in the last few years I've come across of big, well established companies ripping off independent artists.  Urban Outfitters at least did take the item off their site after she complained. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or California, Virginia, or Paris, Namibia or WHEREVER.)

As always, I want to share a few of the highlights from last month.   Well, actually, I'm gonna share all three posts because I liked them all!  

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Berlin, or Indonesia").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

(Linkup closed)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

50% Off Cards at the Texifornia Souvenir Shop Today!

Use coupon code MAKEYOURCARD for 50% off cards at my souvenir shop at Zazzle!   Today ONLY!   Check out the cards I designed below...

Good on cards, postcards, and invitations at both* and Ends at midnight. Can't be combined with other offers.


I just joined Bloglovin. You can follow my blog with Bloglovin here.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Still seems unreal...

My mom would have been 71 today.  She passed away late this August.  

Still doesn't even seem real.  

This picture was taken when my middle child was still in diapers.  It's one of my favorite pictures of her.  A fun fourth of July at her place (I think my kiddo has a mouth full of watermelon here).  When I'm snapping pictures of my kids I still think "Mom would like this."  Saying goodbye came so fast, and saying goodbye goes so slow.  

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or Idaho, or Paris, or Monocco, or WHEREVER.)

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Des Moins, Boston, The Ivory Coast, or the African Savana").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Have a Massage for Charity (Houston)

On September 18 Houston area Massage Envy Spas will donate $10 for every one hour massage or facial to the Arthritis Foundation.   Now THAT'S the way to donate!  I wish I lived closer to Houston.

To help promote this event, Money Saving Parent is holding a giveaway for a Deep Tissue or Sweedish massage at a  Houston Massage Envy.  Giveaway ends 9/17.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or Idaho, or Paris, or Monocco, or WHEREVER.)

Last month, I got the linky up late and so that might be why there was only one post., but it was a great one:

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Des Moins, Boston, The Ivory Coast, or the African Savana").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

Share your links below:

(Linkup closed)

Help Promote This Link-Up!
Add This Button to Your Sidebar or Post! 


I can't take credit for this amazing idea. This is Wherever Wednesday was the creation of Budget Blond who let me take over the reigns here on Texifornia in 2012.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Texas Giveaways

Found some fun Texas giveaways!

Mini Photography Session (8/18) - Grapevine, TX

4 Tickets to Sea Life Acquarium (8/30) - Grapevine, TX

Utopiafest Passes and More (?) - Utopia, TX

Friday, August 09, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or California, or Chicago, or Moscow, or WHEREVER.)

And yes, it's not Wednesday today.  I've done it again, I've slipped into a summer coma and forgotten to post the linky.  *Oops!*  To all the loyal posters who make this linky come alive every month, sorry about that (and to newcomers too!).

As always, I want to share a few of the highlights from last month.  There were so many good posts in July, many of them from my home state of California.  It was hard to choose...but here were go:

  • On My World I saw a side of India I had never expected on the post about the Red Bull Soapbox Race.   

Really there were so many good ones!   You might want to check out the rest if you haven't already.

Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Montana, Puerto Rico, Paris, or Indonesia").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

Link up your posts below:  

1. Things to Do in Crete  

(Linkup closed)

Help Promote This Link-Up!
Add This Button to Your Sidebar or Post! 


I can't take credit for this amazing idea. This is Wherever Wednesday was the creation of Budget Blond who let me take over the reigns here on Texifornia in 2012.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sky Watch Friday - Evening Sky

The sky was just gorgeous evening before last.
The camera only hints at it.

I'm thinking there is probably a poem out there
somewhere for skies like these.
I thought maybe "She Walks in Beauty Like the Night"
but these are not cloudless climes.

Would love suggestions!

See More Beautiful Skies At

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

California Coloring Pages

There was several California freebie for kids in  the Dover sampler this week. 

A coloring page with a map and landmarks from my home state California.

A beautiful coloring page of Big Sur, California.
(I've never been to Big Sure, but I'd love to go some day.)  

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.  Those times that just make you think "This is Texas"  (or California, or Chicago, or Moscow, or WHEREVER.  It started on Budget Blond and, after an intermission, restarted here on Texifornia in 2012.

I always like to highlight some of the posts from last month.  Seems lots of people were as crazy busy as I was last month because there was only one.  Thanks Chara!  I loved your post about Stanford with all your beautiful pictures.  Chara used to blog at Viva La Vida but has now moved to a new blog, Oh Happy Place.   (A fitting title!)  

Now on to this month!  Please leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Montana, Puerto Rico, Paris, or Indonesia").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating! 

(Linkup closed)

Help Promote This Link-Up!
Add This Button to Your Sidebar or Post! 


This is Texas

Well, the big news this month I would guess is NO NEWS!  NO MAJOR DISASTERS in Texas this month (unless I missed something).  So that means we can get back to our regular business of "enjoying" Texas culture and oddities.  Picked up a lot of fun tidbits for you this month!

June 4
The sun was out, it was a warm and beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky, and tornado sirens were going off.  I wonder if they choose to test the sirens on days like this just to make sure no one actually thinks there's a real tornado.  This is Texas.

June 17 - 21
I had a blast dressing up in a Roman tunica and doing crafts with the kids this week in our "Roman" markeplace for our churche's Vacation Bible school.

Now, even in a church where they are trying to make everything look like Rome...
and doing quite well I might add...

...could you still tell that this was Texas?  

Yes, yes you could.

Yep, this is definitely still Texas.

(The ponies only visited one day)

June 20ish -   From my friend's facebook status...
Only in Texas would you encounter this version of a save-the-earth bumper sticker:
"Save Gas.  Ride a horse."



Thursday, June 27, 2013

Texas Giveaways

Giveaways with Texas flair!

Shlitterbahn Water Park Giveaway (TX, Various Cities) - 7/5

Free Haircut at Waterstone Salon (Austin, TX)- 7/8

Shlitterbahn Water Park Giveaway (TX, Various Cities)  - 7/11

For California Giveaways, click here.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!   At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.   It started on Budget Blond and, after an intermission, restarted here on Texifornia.
  • "Herland" shared about some local Austin Artists, one which was promptly added to my Pandora stations after listinging to the video  posted.  And every song on my new "Matt the Electrician  stations I've heard since I've loved!
  • "Real Cheap Housewives of Texas" shared a post title "Who knew St. Louis was so Cool?" I didn't!
  • And "Viva La Vida" shared pictures from a place voted "best beach in the world."  Can you guess where?  I had never heard of it...but now I wish I could go there!
Leave your "This is Wherever" posts on the linky below (whether your wherever is "Alabama or Iraq, The South or South Korea, Boston or Britian").    If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

Link up Your Posts Here! (Make sure to include where you're posting from in name field)

1. San Antonio Rain  2. Stanford University Campus Tour  

(Linkup closed)

Help Promote This Link-Up!
Add This Button to Your Sidebar or Post! 


Texas Giveaways Ending Soon

I like to share giveaways for Texans and Californians when I stumble on them.  This week, in addition to the Texas local giveaways, I've stumbled on a few "Allergy Home Test" kit giveaways, and since allergies are such an issue out here in Texas, I thought those counted as "of interest to Texans."

Handyman Services in San Antonio, TX (6/4 )

Allegy Home Test (at Cake Mom) (6/9)

Allergy Home Test (at Makobi Scribe) (6/11)

Monday, June 03, 2013

San Antonio and a Whole Lot of Rain....

Rain in SA

Photo by Irene Nina Diaz

We have been trying to get down to Sea World in San Antonio since March, but one thing or another has come up to get in the way.  But Memorial weekend, we really thought it was going to happen.

My husband and I had a date planned Friday (our 3rd this year...we don't get out by ourselves much), and had planned to head down afterwards, cause driving at night works better for the kids.  But coming home it started to downpour.  We passed two wrecks in the first 10 minutes after the rain started.  It was bad.  We decided to wait til the next day to go down.   But by the next afternoon, San Antonio (or a good part of it) was underwater.

So, we haven't gotten down to Sea World yet...but worse than our minor inconvenience is the fact that 3 people lost their lives and many homes were flooded.  Our prayers are with San Antonio.

It's seeming like all I'm talking about here lately is disasters...but man has Texas been getting them lately!  Yeah, the tornadoes are nothing new, and neither is flooding for San Antonio, I gather....but dang, it just seems like a lot all in two months time.

When I talk about disasters like this I always like to include info on how you can help (and I know I've been posting a lot of "you can help here" lately, but it's not to pressure you--just to have that info easily at hand if people wanted to help).   Of course, as always, if you know of any places collecting items or donations for the flood victims, or events benefiting relief efforts, please let me know in a comment and I'll be happy to add it.

  • Donate at, 1-800-SAL-ARMY, or by mailing a check notated "flooding disaster victims" to 521 W. Elmira Street, San Antonio, TX 78212. 
  • FOX San Antonio, News 4 San Antonio, and The CW 35 are teaming up to help the victims of the floods that hit San Antonio and the tornadoes that ravaged Oklahoma.  I am not sure how the money will be divided between the victims of these two disasters.  You can donate to this fund here.  
  • Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief, which helps people affected by disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and tornadoes.  (Or go to their website, where you can probably specify more directly how you want the funds used).  

  • SAN ANTONIO:  The Salvation Army in San Antonio is accepting donations  of canned food, non-perishable items, and bottled water. However, they are not accepting clothing or household items at this time.  Items can be brought to 521 W. Elmira Street, San Antonio, TX 78212

Masons Mama  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Events To Help Victims of West Explosions & Tornado Relief

I've been collecting a list of events benefiting the relief and rebuilding efforts in West, Texas (listed by location).  I've  decided to also include any benefits to help relief and recovery for victims of the Tornadoes that have ripped through Texas, and our neighbor Oklahoma, and any events in Texas helping the Red Cross (would be happy to add any events benefiting San Antonio flood victims as well...just haven't come across any yet).  Check back as I will continue to update this list.

If you want to donate directly, here's how:

-For places to donate money to West, click here.
-For a List of Needs (items you can help supply), click here.
-For Granbury, you can donate to Mission Granbury  at 817-579-6866.
-Other places to donate to help tornado victims here.
-To help Moore, Oklahoma, more info here and here.

If you know of any other events, please leave a comment and I will add them.


4 West
4 Oklahoma


  • SEPTEMBER 8:   A Dinner, Dance, Live Band and Auction to Benefit the West, Texas Disaster Fund will be hosted by SPJST Lodge 88  in the Heights - Contact Kim Bilek Feazle 713.416.3434 or Barbara Jezek Fisher 713.686.7488.

  • AUGUST 22:  West Benifit with Speakers Senator Ted Cruz and Congressmen Bill Flores.  All proceeds go to help West Relief and Recovery.   More Info Here.

  • AUGUST 18:  Elvis Tribute and Throwback Bash benefiting A History of West Museum. Cottonwood Hall, 111 Cottonwood Spur. West, Texas.  3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  More Info Here.
  • ANY TIME:  More volunteer opportunities and resources for West Residents are listed on the West Long Term Recovery Page.  They also have added a list of items they are needing, here.  Many of the events I have listed here were found there as well, and they may have others I haven't seen yet.  

If you know of other events benefiting West going on in your town, please let me know in a comment and I'll be happy to add them.

(First Published Tuesday, April 23rd)

Free BBQ - Texas Style!

Masons Mama

Friday, May 17, 2013

One Month Since West...

This has been a hard month for Texas.  Just one month ago today the West Fertilizer plant exploded, and this week Tornadoes ravaged through Granbury, Cleburne, and Ennis.  Our prayers continue to go up for those affected.  If you would like to help in other ways, there's a list ways to help the with the tornado relief here, and donations for West (where there is still so much need) can be sent here.  Also, there is a collection of items being sold on Etsy to help West, and if you are in Texas you can find events  benefiting victims here.

I've been touched by how tragedies connect people.  During the first night after the explosion in west, Doctors who just days before had been treating victims of the Bombing of the Boston marathon ordered pizzas for doctors at Providence hospital treating victims of the West explosion.  TJX companies, who's headquarters are in Boston, up til this week had been the top donor to the Waco Foundation fund for West victims, and when "ways to help west" became harder to find on google, one of the first "links" I found under that search was someone from Boston posting on a Yahoo Answers wanting to know where to donate.

And today I read this...

"...among the first offers of help that came in to Granbury on Wednesday night was a phone call from West — offering to send 300 meals to those in need."
-Dallas Morning News, "Tragic Ties Bind West, Granbury, and Cleburne"

 Wow...that's all I can say.  Wow.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Wherever Wednesday (Ur...Saturday...Oops)

Sorry this Wherever Wednesday is a little late.  The first Wednesday of this month  just snuck up on me...and by the time I realized it had passed it was already Friday.  And even getting it up on Friday didn't happen.

The last few weeks was just a blur of events.  Just days after the bombings in Boston the little town of West, just 30 minutes down the road from me, exploded.  The University where my husband works hosted the memorial for the victims, which was visited over 1000 people including the President and hundreds of firemen from around the state and even further.  It was also threatened to be picketed by Westboro baptist church who thankfully decided not to show up.  In the middle of that my youngest turned five, we had visits from family, and well, other stuff happened too.

Thanks to everyone who posted last month.  Here's some of the highlights...
  • Viva la Vida shared a post about Santa Cruz, with some beautiful pictures including some of the oldest amusement park on the west coast!  Fun stuff!
  • Babuska's Baile shared a charming post about her home town in Crawfordville, Florida.
  • For What It's Worth took us on a tour of Copper Breaks State Park in Texas.
Leave your posts on the linky below and share a little bit about any place and it's unique personality... those "this is West Virginia, Austin, Jamaica, Norway, Barcelona,  wherever" moments!   If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.   Just remember it has to have SOMETHING to do with a place.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating (and sorry it's late this week)!

Link up Your Posts Here! (Make sure to include where you're posting from in name field)

1. Maker Fair - Austin, TX  3. Live music in beautiful Austin, TX  
2. Who knew St. Louis was so cool?  4. Turks and Caicos Islands  

(Linkup closed)

Texas Giveaways Ending Soon

There are two sites giving away tickets to the Little Mermaid May 10 in at the ZACH theater in Austin, TX.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Wherever Wednesday - OOPS!

This May just SNEAKED UP on me.  I've had such a busy week last week, and with Wednesday being on the 1st, it just totally slipped my mind to post Wherever Wednesday.  I will try to get it posted sometime today (even though it's Friday.)  SO VERY SORRY!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thanks For Sharing

Here's the copy-paste code to share the Texas Events button. 
 Thanks so much for spreading the word.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pray for West, TX...Give Blood, Donate, Etc.

Plant Explosion Texas

At around 8:00 tonight the fertilizer factory in West, TX exploded.  There are people injured.  A nursing home, the Junior High, and many other buildings are badly damaged.  More info here.

We live less than 30 minutes away.  Praying for the victims, the doctors, the rescue workers.  If you would like to help, below are ways to donate:

  • Aggieland Outfitters has also set up a number to text for information about volunteering. By texting "HELPWEST" to 99000, Aggieland Outfitters will provide information as it becomes available.  
  • Samaritan's Purse is organizing volunteers here.

  • Educators Credit Union accepting donations to benefit West ISD. All locations. Please make checks payable to: ECU – West ISD Relief Fund
  • Donations to the West Relief Fund can be made through Baylor online here.
  • GENCO Federal Credit Union has established an emergency fund for the Red Cross for use in West relief. Donations may be made at GENCO branch offices in Lacy Lakeview/Bellmead, Waco, Woodway and Lorena. Call 1-800-922-6428 for information.
  • Point West Bank in West has a fund established for emergency relief.
  •  The Knights of Columbus also have a Fund for West Disaster Relief with information at
  • The Waco Foundation will receive donations for a West, Texas Disaster Relief Efforts Fund with information on how to give on its website, Call Melissa Miller, director of communications and donor services, at 254-754-3404.
  •  You can donate to the Heart of Texas Red Cross here.  The Heart of Texas Red Cross also has an Ebay Giving Works page, so if you have items you would like to sell on ebay to raise funds (or shop items other people have given) you can so that there.  
  • Texas Partners Federal Credit Union is accepting donations to assist the community of West through April 30. Cash donations are accepted and the credit union is selling “World's Finest Chocolate” to benefit relief efforts. Donations will be accepted at all branch locations: 2445 N. Main Street in Belton, 809 S. Main Street in Copperas Cove, 1011 Wales Drive in Killeen, and 6935 W. Adams Avenue in Temple. To mail a donation: Attn: West, TX Relief Fund, 1011 Wales Drive, Killeen, Texas 76549. Questions may be directed to Shelley Carlson at (254) 526-3081.
  • You can donate at any Heart of Texas Good Will.  
  • Aggieland outfitters is accepting cash donations at their stores.


(Reposted from DFW Scanner Website)

"All the goods donated are wonderful but we have received so much, it has become a problem. At this time there are no real material needs for supplies. What will make the BIGGEST affect, is donate money to the relief at Point West Bank & Trust (254) 826-5333 or State National Bank (254) 826-3741."

The links below  types of local fundraisers, blood drives, in various cities etc.   If you know of other places, please leave a link in the comments.

Picture thanks to Bay Area News Station (under creative commons on Flickr.)  Thanks to DFW Scanner Website and 7 On A Shoestring which supplied a lot of my inition information