Saturday, February 23, 2013

Deep Roots Shop

Texas blogger Viv of Big K Fam just opened Deep Roots Shop on Etsy. 
It's an online boutique sharing different monogrammed items, children clothing, and novelty items.  Very cute stuff!  Everything sold at Deep Roots Shop is handmade by Sarah & Viv, two working-mommas who love the Lord, and love sewing/crafting. 

Friday, February 08, 2013

Looking Back...

One year ago today the Lord took my dad home.  I wasn't going to participate in Sky Watch today, but then I thought of this photo of us hiking up in Yosemite, and it seemed fitting. 

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!  At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.   It started on Budget Blond and, after an intermission, restarted here on Texifornia.

Thanks everyone who posted last month!  Here's a few highlights:

  • Jen Marie posted about New Years in Nashville!
  • There were some gorgeous pictures of Half Moon Bay by Chara of Viva la Vida.
  • I asked Michelle of Simply Complicated to share her post I Am An Immigrant, even though it was posted back around Thanksgiving.  She graciously obliged.   It's a truely excellent post and I hope you all get a chance to read it. 


Leave your posts on the linky below and share the "this is Texas, Nebraska, New York, Costa Rica, Germany, London, wherever" moments in your life!   If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

Link up Your Posts Here!  (Make sure to include where you're posting from in name field)

1. BB-The Extra Extra  3. mamawolfe_This is Lake Tahoe  5. Off to India: packing and other travel tips  
2. Texifornia, TX  4. Megan @ Just a Small Town Girl  

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

This is (NOT) Texas

There was a quote I once read by Canadian turned Texan blogger Busy Being Jennifer...

" I want a horse! Like really really badly want a horse! I mean come on!! I live in Texas... living in Texas should automatically come with a horse."
-- Quoted from another blog, Mommy Made, about Jennifer's old blog,  Finding My Way in Texas

Of course, that's a bit of stereotype.  But stereotypes are just exaggerated grains of truth.  Sure, not everyone in Texan owns a horse, but that doesn't mean  a  random group of horseback riders won't come riding through your local playground (just speaking from experience).  And not everyone in Texas wears cowboy boots...but I never saw a toddler wearing cowboy boots in California!

That goes for my home state's sterotypes too.  Not everyone in California surfs or knows a movie star, but...well, just using myself as a random sample,  my dad worked in the movie industry, so I met a few celebrities even if I wouldn't say I "knew them"....and my husband surfed even if I didn't.

All states have their stereotypes.  Here's a funny 2 minute run-down of stereotypes in all 50 states (yep, this post is brought to you by YouTube today!): 

So, what's some stereotypes about where you're from? Is there some grain of truth to them?

Monday, February 04, 2013

Come Party Round the World This Wednesday!

Just a friendly reminder that Wherever Wednesday is coming soon! Come by to link up your posts about what's unique about where you are (or where you've been!). Share those "This is Texas, California, Canada, Brazil, WHEREVER moments!"