Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Photography Souvenirs.

I've added a bunch of new photography items to my Zazzle Souvenir Shop!  You can see my Texas Photography gifts here and my California Photography gifts here.  Right now cards and postcards are 30% off with coupon code CARDCARDCARD  (through June 30).  Check some of them out below!

California Buckwheat Card
California Buckwheat Card by Texifornia
Browse more Photo Cards at Zazzle

Saturday, March 16, 2013


And here's a video I caught of these beauties sheltering from the wind.

Camera Critters

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

This is Wherever Wednesday

Welcome to This is Wherever Wednesday!  At Wherever Wednesday we share those little moments that really show the character of the places we live.   It started on Budget Blond and, after an intermission, restarted here on Texifornia.

Thanks everyone who posted last month!  Here's a few highlights:
  • From Babushka's Baile there was a wonderful post about viewing a movie filming on an old southern plantation.
  • Chara of Viva la Vida shared packing tips when traveling to India.
  • Mama Wolfe shared daybreak on a Lake Tahoe ski slope.
  • And Just a Small Town Girl shared about North Carolina lighthouses!


Leave your posts on the linky below and share the "this is Georgia, Chicago, Canada, India, wherever" moments in your life!   If you're still a little uncertain what that means, this post over at Budget Blond will help you out.  And, though it's not required, I'd love if you would grab the This is Wherever button on the sidebar and share it in your post or somewhere else on your blog!  Thanks for participating!

(Linkup closed)
New Linky Posted the 1st Wednessday of every month!

This is Texas

Had several "This is Texas" moments this month.

Passed an orange Lamborghini with a Texas Longorns Decal on the back.  Now that's school pride!

(For those not familiar, the Texas Longhorns are the mascot of the University of Texas at Austin, whose colors are burnt orange and white.)


Of course, this is also Waco, where the colors tend to be more in the green and gold category.  I had the awesome experience of getting to hear Nobel prize winner Seamus Heaney read his poetry at Baylor University this Monday.    There was a couple distinct Waco, Texas and Baylor moments that night.   For a poet who writes a lot of deep, thoughtful, reflective and serious poems, Seamus Heaney showed himself surprizingly humorous.  He mentioned that his father  raised cows, so he was really enjoying his time here in Texas, "though, this being Texas, the cows here are a bit bigger."    When he announced that he was going to read his poem, The Baler, the whole room erupted in laughter (because of course it sounds like "Baylor" ).  I'm guessing he picked it for exactly that reason.  And he also read an original poem which he had written for the occassions, and which they were selling prints of, which he said "I hope you pay an exorbitant amount for...you know, for Baylor, not for me."  

This is Waco, Texas...and This is Baylor!

You can link up your "This is Wherever" Moments at...

And if those moments take place in Texas, 
you can also link them up at...

Masons Mama

(Thanks to Pixabay for the Lamborghini graphic.)

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Nobel Winning Poet Doing a Reading in My Town!

Seamus Heaney, one of my favorite poets ever, is doing a live reading of his poetry--and I'm going to get to go!  I'm so excited.  When my husband* told me about this event, I squealed like a teenage girl who just saw Justin Beiber!  Today I'm going to be digging around trying to find the paper I wrote on his poetry in college...and I gotta find where I put his poetry book, and the CD with him reading poetry I have.  Yeah, I'm a bit of a fan.

If you want to see why I love his poetry, you can get a taste of Seamus Heaney's Poetry here.

And if you happen to be driving distance from Waco, you can find details here on the when and where of the poetry reading.

*I am very impressed that my husband, who is not at all a poetry lover, remembered that I love Seamus Heaney's Poetry.  He'll be watching the kids for me that night--double kudos.