Small Talk 6 is about Children's books you like to read aloud. Well, having three boys I couldn't miss out on this one...and since it fit, I added it to the
What My Child is Reading blog hop too!
1. Stellaluna

My oldest son had most of this book memorized at 3 years old - we read it that much! The story is so touching, the characters so vivid, and the dialog is just wonderfully fun to read. The rythm of the sentences even seem to fit the characters...the birds sentences are full of short words that sound chirpy when you read them, while the bats have more smoother sounds. And, the illustrations are nothing short of beautiful.
2. A Quiet Night In and Other "Large Family" Stories

So, I haven't read all of these, but the one's I have read (
A Quiet Night In and
All In One Piece Though my kids all love these stories, I really think they are written for grown-ups. You'll find yourself relating to the parents in this story, who's plans get sidetracked by their kids, the way plans often do (but with beautiful silver linings.) The dialog is hilarious and the illustrations are charming...and may remind you of your own children, especially if you are a "Large Family" too.
3. Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type

We got four fun farm animal stories by Doreen Cronin in various Chick File kids meals ( the others are
Dooby Dooby Moo, Giggle, Giggle, Quack
, Vote for Duck
), and there has never been a kids meal toy we liked better! We have read these over and over and over again and it's always a joy. They are hilarious.
Click Clack Moo is the one I love reading aloud the most because I always make the "moo" deep and loud (although now the kids usually say this part.)
4. Our Animal Friends At Maple Hill Farm

My mom grew up in New England and I think she bought this book wanting to share a little of home with us. It's too long to read in one setting (well, you could...but before bed it's hard). Still, I really enjoy reading this with my kids. It's so matter of fact and down to earth. It's not squeemish about things like cats catching mice and hens being carried away by foxes...but it's not brutal about them either. In fact, one of the last pages is a remembering of beloved animals on the farm that had been burried in a little secluded wooded patch on the corner of a field...and it is gently touching. The characters of the animals on this farm make me think of the animals in my own life. It's enjoyed sharing this book with my children, and they enjoy it too.
5. Junie B. Jones

I was first introduced to this series long before I had children, when I was tutoring a little girl from overseas. She had
The Mushy Gushy Valentine
and it was HILARIOUS. When my son got old enough for chapter books, I knew he would like these (even if the main character was a girl). And he did! And I always love reading Junie's goofy monologues...they're great!
6. The Indian in the Cupboard

This was a book that I read in school when I was in elementary, and I was so happy when my son's aunt got it for him one Christmas. It was a step up from Junie B. Jones, and at first he didn't want to read it...but once I got him to sit down for the first chapter, he was hooked. And so was I. I had forgotten just how good it was! We looked forward to reading it every night, and I had to keep myself from reading ahead after he went to sleep.
(A side note on this...the "Texan" character of Boone in the book is kinda...ok very...stereotypical. Not at all like any real Texans I know, though I don't know any who lived 100 years ago to be sure. Still, it's a kids book and I really don't care...just thought I'd mention that since I live here now and all).
You can share your favorite 6 books to read aloud at
Small Talk 6...and if you have a blog you can join in the
What My Child is Reading blog hop at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns or below...