Friday, November 30, 2012

Texas Clouds

I love the clouds in Texas...anywhere in the Midwest actually.  I don't remember ever seeing these puffy Simpson's style clouds out in California.

But even cooler is how these clouds move...

See more beautiful skies at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

This Is Wherever Linky Party

Welcome to the first ever Wherever Wednesday at Texifornia!  Wherever Wednesday is a celebration of what makes the places we live unique.  It's not new though...only new to here.   A while back Budget Blond started this up on her blog with a little saying:  TIG.

In her words:

It stands for “This is Grenada.”
It’s used in moments where you just kinda shake your head at the things going on around you, like someone climbing up a coconut tree or when something takes exceedingly longer than it should.
I think all cities or towns have a “T.I.{insert your town}” moments. To me, this phrase can be used for things that are pretty hilarious, like how my dad’s friend up the street always drives his riding lawnmower to our house instead of his car {This.Is.Louisiana.} I also think it can be used to notice some good around us.
(See full post here).

And she was right--every place has it's unique character.  I've enjoyed sharing "This is Texas" moments like finding state pride at the Supermarket or bumping over Texas size speedbumps...and of course I've had to share a few This is California observations too.  But what I've  loved the most is reading all the wacky and wonderful moments others shared from their hometowns (or home away from home) around the world.  

I hope you'll take the time to share some of your
"This is {Wherever}"  moments with us! 

Please link back to this post or grab our button on the sidebar.  In the name space make sure to include where you're blogging from. The link up will be open all month.  Oh, and just for fun this month, I'll send a post-card from Texas to the first 10 bloggers who link-up (only if they want one).

Link up your posts here:

1. Texifornia, TX, USA  4. Michelle  
2. Babushka's Baile N.Fl. USA  5. Bruges, Belgium  
3. Nana's Notes  6. whitticisms: Long Island, NY  

(Linkup closed)

Originally posted 11/7. This post has been bumped, and will be bumped, every Wed. this latecomers can still get their posts seen.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Storms and Rainbows

Above are some pictures of a rainbow after mild storm that hit last week.

Meanwhile, a long ways from Texas, the east coast was starting recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy.  I'm not in a good position to donate directly right now, but right now Zazzle has set up a program for artists sell things through Zazzle and donate 100% of the profits (Zazzle's and the artist's) to charities helping Hurricane Sandy victims, and so I've donated some items from my Scribbleprints shop.  I thought about donating some things from the Texifornia Souvenir shop, but honestly, I hardly ever sell things there didn't seem much point to setting that up.  BUT, if you see something you like there, let me know, and I'll mark it to donate to Hurricane Sandy victims.

Another thing I thought of is that if there is any of my sky watch pictures  (or any other pictures from this blog) that you would like as a poster, postcard, key-chain, puzzle, or whatever...let me know, and so long as there's no people in it, and it's mine (not one I used from Flickr), and it's big enough, I'll put it on whatever you want and mark it for Hurricane donations.  Just leave me a comment or e-mail me at ecarian at yahoo dot com.

And for all you out there who were tossed by the winds, or who tossed by storms of another kind,  this song's for you...

Hello hurricane, you're not enough
Hello hurricane, you can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love, my love


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Texas: Most Likely to Secede

Our pride about our home state is the proudest pride indeed
And we're proud to be Americans, until we can secede

So, have you heard...there's now over 100,000 signatures on a petition asking to grant Texas the Right to Secede?   Here's my thoughts:

A).  Really, Texas?  He's only here for 4 more years!

B).  A move for secession right after a presidential election?  Like THAT'S never happened before.  What could possibly go wrong with that?

C).  Honestly, even after 100,000 signatures, I'm not particularly worried.  There are more Texans who want to stay in the United States than want to leave it...I'm absolutely convinced of that.   To the Texans who signed this, if you go ahead with this to the point of fighting, realize that you'll be fighting against some of your own.  If you think I'm wrong consider the number of people here who have moved from other states, and the nearly 40% of Texas voters who voted for Barack Obama (oh, yeah, and a bunch of folks from our state capital too) .  Yeah, that may be less than half, but even if those are the only people who would oppose you (it isn't--believe me) do you really want to fight 40% of your fellow citizens WHILE warring with the rest of the country? 

If you want to read some more about what would happen if Texas really did secede from the United States, there's a great post on that over at Milehimama.  I learned some things!

I'll just touch on these two legal gems: 

  • Congress is not allowed to declare war on states, but the President is allowed to  "put down insurrections," so declaring secession actually gives the President the constitutional right to wage war on Texas, without congresses consent.
  • Oh, and here's one more thought for Gun Owners in Texas:  Did you know signing this thing could make you loose your right to have a gun?  Not sure if that would actually be enforced, but according to US Law, anyone “who, having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced his citizenship” is prohibited from owning a gun. 

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this!  Comments welcome!

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Speekee Spanish

I've been trying to teach my kids Spanish from home.  It's been fun but a challenge, especially because I'm not fluent myself.  That's why I'm excited about having a chance to try out Speekee TV Spanish for Kids.  

Now, not having had a chance to try it out YET, I can't comment on it...but here's what Speekee has to say about their program:  

The world's number one Spanish program for young children.  Speekee TV Spanish for Kids is designed so that children can learn Spanish in their own time and at their own pace.  Easy Spanish learning through video, without effort with the multi award-winning Speekee videos PLUS real-time 'virtual' friendships with the Speekee characters. Available only via the web, Speekee TV Spanish for Kids is loved by children and their parents around the world. FastTrack curriculum for homeschoolers.  

My readers recieve ONE MONTH FREE of Speekee TV - Spanish For Kids Program - through this exclusive link. 

Here's a little example of their videos (sure wish I had had this song when I was teaching my kids the parts of the body in Spanish):

You can find more videos like this on the Speekee YouTube Page.

DISCLAIMER: As a Family Guide Blogger I get a chance to get a 6 months Speekee membership for posting this. Not sure if this is an "I definitely will get it" thing, or a "I might be one of the bloggers that get it" thing but had to give it a shot because this looks like a great program.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

This is Texas

I was with my kids at the park when all of a sudden five horseback riders came galloping through the park, slowing to a nice trot near the playground. They stopped by the restrooms there and a couple of them stood outside and held the horses while the others went inside.

I brought my littlest, carefully, over to see the horses.  There were two horses being held by one of the riders, and one of them seemed restless not to be tethered anymore.  He kept stomping his foot, and I held my little one's shoulder's firmly.  

Another rider was holding a single horse nearby, and this one seemed more calm.  I asked if we could pet him.  "Sure," he said.   "No worries.  He doesn't bite." 

Then the man looked down at my son and asked me,  "Would he like a ride." 

Soon my son was being helped up onto the horse and carefully lead around.  He gave rides to to several other children on the playground,  including one of my older sons before he left.  I was touched by his graciousness and the pure wonder of the moment. 

This is Texas!

Monday, November 05, 2012

There's Still Time to Reasearch Your Vote!

Are you voting tomorrow?  Do you know anything about the local and state candidates?  There's still time to do research!

Step 1:  Find Out Your Districts
The districts you can vote in are listed on your Voter ID card.  You can also find your districts here if you live in Texas, or at Project Vote Smart if you don't.

Step 2:  Find Out Who's Running in Those Districts.
For Texas you can find a list of all the candidates here.  Or, you can find out who's running by plunking in your address at Project Vote Smart (in or out of Texas)

Step 3:  Research
I suggest starting by finding out a little info on the position if you're not sure what they do.  You might be surprised to learn that, for instance, Texas Railroad Commissioner mainly regulates the Oil and Gas industry, and that the Texas Surpreme Court only deals with civil cases, not criminal cases.  It only takes a few minutes to google these things and it's well worth your time.

Once you know about what they're running for, you can google the candidates, or consult some of the excellent resources below:


Project Vote Smart

On the Issues

Politifact Main Site



Dallas Morning News Election Guide
Submit your address to find info on candidates from around the state - this is not limited to the Dallas area.

Texas Values:  Free Texas Voters Guide

Politifact Texas

Your Local Newspaper 

Step  4:  Find Your Polling Places and Go Vote Tomorrow!
In Texas you can find this info at the here.  In other states, you can usually find this info on your Secretary of State or City Website, or on your local League of Women's Voters website.

I'm linking up at...

Friday, November 02, 2012

Sky Watch Friday

This is Texas:  Beautiful skies over oak trees.  

Hello everyone.  I love seeing all the sky pictures from around the world on Sky Watch Friday, and I wanted to invite you all to another event where you can share your little piece of the world and go exploring.  "This is Wherever Wednesday" was one of my favorite interenet memes, and when it ended, I asked The Budget Blond if she would mind if I continued it here on Texifornia.  So, stop by Nov. 7th to link up all the crazy wonderful things you notice about your town this week.